Pro Super Plast 100

Pro Super Plast 800 is a cementitious, pre-mixed, thin-applied pigmented plaster that can be applied in thicknesses ranging from 0.5mm to 4mm. It is designed for use over rough, plastered cementitious surfaces and is suitable for both internal and external wall applications. The product can be easily applied either manually or using a suitable plastering machine, complying with BS EN 13914-1 and BS EN 13914-2 standards. Pro Super Plast 800 offers a modern plastering solution, enabling fast and efficient application on walls and ceilings.

Product Description

Pro Super Plast 800 is a cementitious, pre-mixed, thin-applied pigmented plaster that can be applied in thicknesses ranging from 0.5mm to 4mm. It is designed for use over rough, plastered cementitious surfaces and is suitable for both internal and external wall applications. The product can be easily applied either manually or using a suitable plastering machine, complying with BS EN 13914-1 and BS EN 13914-2 standards. Pro Super Plast 800 offers a modern plastering solution, enabling fast and efficient application on walls and ceilings.


  • Ready to use: Just add water.

  • Time-saving: No site mixing required.

  • Eco-friendly: Minimal wastage.

  • Machine-sprayable for efficiency.

  • Provides a decorative finish.

  • Low water absorption for durability.

  • High compressive and flexural strength.

  • Breathable surface for longevity.

  • UV-stable pigments ensure durable color.

  • Excellent bond strength.

  • Compatible with additional decorative finishes.

  • Precise cement content for consistent strength, eliminating dosage and batch errors.

Preparation of Surface

All loose dust, particles, and oil must be removed from the surface before application. In hot climates, dampen the surface with potable water if needed. Ensure the rough plastered surface is leveled before applying Pro Super Plast 800.

Preparation of Product

For manual application, ensure the water is premeasured according to the material quantity. Add the mortar powder to the water to prevent settling at the bottom of the container. Consistency in water measurement for each bag is essential to avoid color variations. Use a clean, non-corrosive, uncontaminated container and only potable water. For optimal results, mix the material mechanically using a mortar mixer or similar equipment to achieve a smooth, lump-free consistency.


With proper surface preparation and material mixing, conventional plastering and Color Crete application techniques can be used to apply Pro Super Plast 800. For faster application, it is highly recommended to prepare the surface properly and spray the material using a plastering or rendering spray machine for increased work efficiency.

Technical Sheet

Shelf Life

Expiration of Pro Super Plast 800 is at 12 months after production date under dry and sheltered conditions.


Pro Super Plast 800 is available in 20 KG Bags.

Health & Safety

Pro Super Plast 800 is regarded as non-hazardous for transportation. Do not reuse bags or containers and dispose them off as per local rules and regulations. Gloves and suitable masks can be worn during application.

Please refer to the MSDS of the product for further health and safety information.

* Typical laboratory results